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About Claude

Born in Manila, Philippines on March 13, 1967, Claude P Perry II was adopted by a loving pair of American Citizens who were stationed at the Sangley Point US Naval base in June of 1968. His first birthday present came in the form of his future adoptive sister, Rianna, who had been born only four weeks earlier in Quezon City in February of 1968. The going joke in the family is that Claude, Sr. is just a step-father; only because he was unable to be present to sign the adoption papers due to his duties with the US Coast Guard at the time.

A Naturalized US Citizen since the age of three, Claude has had the benefit of growing up in a loving family, experiencing all the trials and tribulations any family goes through. Some of his fondest memories are from the summers during his formative years in Tennessee while his paternal grandmother was living with them. Through her encouragement, enhanced by his parents, Claude was an avid reader of the works of authors such as James Fenimore Cooper, Jack London, Agatha Christie, Robert B. Parker, Isaac Asimov, Robert Heinlein, S. E. Hinton, L. Ron Hubbard, Louis L'Amour, Pearl S. Buck, James Clavell, John Jakes, Herman Wouk, and William Shakespeare, just to name a few.

Claude's first venture into writing came in the form of writing essay for a class assignment when he was in Jr. High School in Clifton, Tennessee. His chosen subject was about what it meant to be adopted. Though he thought it nothing more than a class project, his teacher, Mrs. Geneva McDonald, thought it was worthy of entering it into a state wide competition. The essay wound up placing third in the region. Claude only found out about this when he was shown an article about the placement in the Wayne County News.

In 1981 following the death of his beloved grandmother, he had the opportunity to broaden his horizons when his family moved to Singapore. During these years he had the taste of what it was like to live in a different culture and made many friends from all over the world. He even had the chance to visit the land of his birth for the first, and so far, only time in his life since leaving in August of 1968. It is through these years overseas, Claude believes his tolerance and respect of other's belief systems sprung from.

Not long after his sister's graduation from High School in Clifton, Tennessee, the family moved back to his parents' native state of Florida and settled in a small town west of Tallahassee. Not long after the move, he joined the US Navy. Though he doesn't speak much about his short time serving, he is proud that he was at least fifth consecutive generation, through his father's line, to have served in the US Armed Forces.

In 2007, Claude began foraying into genealogical research, starting with his own adoptive family. Though he has yet to publish his results, he has on occasion, helped others with tracing down the roots of their respective lines.

When he isn't writing, Claude's either catching up on his favorite television shows, researching his adoptive family's ancestral roots, or reading some of his favorite genres of literature. When able, he attends and participates at events in the Society for Creative Anachronism.

Having released his first book "Surfing Through the Mind: An Anthology" in February of 2016, Claude is currently working on a collaboration with a friend of his, whom he met within the Society for Creative Anachronism. This collaboration began in 2007 and the first book in the proposed three book series is expected to be released sometime in 2016.

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